Asymptomatic heterosexual men
- Urine Chlamydia
- Serology for HIV/Syphilis according to risk
- Testing for urethral gonorrhoea not indicated in asymptomatic men
- Recent overseas contact add serology for HIV, syphilis and Hep B
- If IVDU include Hep C
Asymptomatic women
- First void urine for Chlamydia
- Serology optional according to risk and request
- Testing for gonorrhoea not required if asymptomatic
- Speculum not required, but if taking CST can take a cervical swab for chlamydia over a first pass urine
- Recent overseas contact or IVDU offer serology including Hep C for latter, as well as endocervical or high vaginal swab for gonorrheoa and vaginal swab for trichomonas culture
Asymptomatic men who have sex with men
- Urine Chlamydia
- Serology for HIV, Syphilis, Hep B if status unknown
- Throat swab for gonorrhoea
- Anal swabs for gonorrhoea and chlamydia if practicing receptive anal sex
Sex workers
- Frequency determined by state legislation
- Victoria, monthly
- Must have genital examination but can be external
- Urine/anal swabs for chlamydia, swabs for gonorrhoea and trichomonas
- Serology for HIV and syphilis, check Hep B and immunise if not already immune
- Pharyngeal for gonorrhoea warranted if have unprotected receptive oral sex