- Confirm the pregnancy
- Seek understanding of woman’s beliefs and wishes
- “Wow, that’s big news, how are you feeling about it?”
- Calculate dates
- LMP if reliable
- Dating ultrasound – if considering termination write ‘confirm intra-utering pregnancy between 49-63 days gestation’ or similar – this lets sonographer know that termination may be an option
- Pathology
- Quantitative bHCG
- Blood group and antibodies
- Other routines if unsure
- Chlamydia/gonorrhoea PCR if considering termination
- Any indication of trauma or coercion?
- Risk of STI
- Are there any signs or symptoms of ectopic pregnancy or other complication?
- Details of pregnancy eg. date of LMP? Was it a normal period? Are they taking iodine and folate? EtOH, cigarette, other drugs?
- Do they have information about their options and have they made a decision?
- Emotiona state, social supports, other psycho-social information
- If may continue, ensure basic care (e.g. supplements, avoid drugs and alcohol etc.)
Marie Stopes Common Abortion Myths
- Consider supports, best pregnancy care options, education and investigations
- If considering handing over the child to care of adoptive or foster parent(s) ensure this is stated in referrals
- DHHS may have useful information for doctor and patient
- Non-directive pregnancy support counselling medicare item
- Women’s Hospital decision tool
- Impartial information for patients at any stage of pregnancy
- Ensure accurate information with FBE, ferritin, blood group and antibodies, quantitative bHCG, STI check and dating ultrasound (note ‘considering termination’ on requests)
- Impartial information via 1800 my options
- Abortion services Victoria self-referral
- Medical vs Surgical termination of pregnancy

- Administration of 2 medications to induce termination (MS2-Step, mifepristone and misoprostol)
- Option up to 63 days (9 weeks)
- Can only be prescribed by practitioners who are registered with MS Health who have done relevant training
- The process
- Intrauterine pregnancy <63 days confirmed
- Contraindications discussed
- Chronic adrenal failure
- DIseases requiring corticosteroids (including inhaled)
- Hypocoagulation disorders
- Anticoagulant therapy
- Breast feeding
- Initial medication is administered
- Mifepristone 200mg tablet x 1
- Anti-progesterone medication to soften and dilate cervix and mate uterus more sensitive to prostaglandins
- 36-48 hours after mifepristone, misoprostol taken
- Misoprostol 200mcg x4 bucally (keep between cheek and gum for 30min prior to swallowing remaining fragments)
- Prostaglandin effect to start uterine contractions / expulsion of contents
- Bleeding and cramps to cause expulsion of the pregnancy occurs for most women within 3-4 hours of taking misoprostol
- Bleeding usually continues for 10-16 days, with it being heavy for the first 2-3 days
- F/U after 2 weeks is required to ensure there is no ongoing pregnancy – either q bHCG or US to confirm completion
- Side effects
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, or fevers and chills – usually <24 hours
- Incomplete abortion 1-4% – needing surgicval suction curette
- Ongoing pregnancy risk 1%
- Infection <1%
- Excessive bleeding 1:1000 – requiring transfusion
- Legal up to 24 weeks gestation, but becomes very difficult to obtain at >12 weeks gestation
- Process
- Confirm intra-uterine pregnancy
- Most occur as a short day-procedure under light IV sedation, although they can occur under local anaesthetic
- Process takes about 15minutes
- Cervix is dilated, then suction and curettage is performed
- There is the option of a lARC being inserted at the same time
- Will need a support person to drive them home
- Risks
- Uterine perforation or damage to cervix
- Incomplete abortion (RPOC) in 2%
- Ongoing pregnancy 1:500
- Infection risk 1%
- May be ongoing bleeding after the procedure, but usually less than MTOP